Tax-Pro Incorporate - tax services, income taxes, financial services, bookkeeping, payroll, insurance and investments in Skowhegan, Maine
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Bolduc elected president of Northern New England Society of Enrolled Agents
Written by Katherine LeBlanc, Wednesday, 19 January 2011 06:08

From the desk of...Robert A. Bolduc II EA, ATA, ATP | President

I want to take this opportunity to personally thank you for your continued business and loyalty. It is a pleasure working with you as we endeavor to maximize your refund, minimize your tax liability, and keep you in
compliance. As we look forward to another tax filing season, all of us here at Tax-Pro, Inc look forward to
seeing you once again. We’ve been working hard year-round staying abreast of the hundreds of tax law changes destined to impact you this tax season and beyond. I believe that while competition exists, nobody in our area offers the same level of experience, expertise, professionalism, service, or overall value.

Thinking you’ll save money preparing your own tax return? Think again! Each year, millions of
Americans who prepare their own tax return pay the wrong amount! Take, for instance, this recent example. A well-known politician, using off-the-shelf tax software (yeah, THAT one!) prepared his own tax return for several years. (At this point, it is natural to ponder “what was he THINKING!). Well, it should come as no surprise to find out that all of his tax returns were WRONG! Yep, the software that supposedly prevents mistakes, well, guess what? If the information going in is garbage, the output results in...garbage! Ok, back to our example. Long story short, this well known do-it-yourselfer had his returns audited, and it was determined he owed $34,000 in additional tax PLUS an additional $8,000 in interest and penalties. Bottom Line: Software is only a tool, not a solution! You have to know the rules to use the tool correctly! Owning a scalpel won’t make you a surgeon and owning tax software won’t make you a tax pro! Tax laws change fast (last change Dec 17th, 2010!) Unless you study to keep up with the changes, I’d suggest that using Tax-Pro, Inc. is a wiser, more cost effective value proposition that results in a less stressful option for you!

Have you visited recently? You need to! I had designed to be a user-friendly,
informative, interactive, and convenient online tax and financial resource. You can find a plethora of helpful tools and aids here, many of which assist both you and us in the prepartion of your tax return. I highly
encourage you to use our poplular interactive tax organizer, schedule your tax appointment, review our tax
appointment checklist so you are prepared, sign up for our monthly e-newsletter, track your tax refund, pay
your tax prep bill safely and conveniently, and utilize our private client portals where we make copies of your tax return(s) available to you 24/7/365!

A few last words (er, random thoughts) about some important stuff...Scheduling your tax appointment sooner rather than later is always a really GOOD idea...our tax organizers (especially the online version) saves us time and you money (please use them!) is really useful and pretty cool, you should check it out...we have the BEST staff around to assist you (great people, great skills!)...if you travel for your job, you are going to need to provide us a mileage log this year at tax prep time (ouch, that one hurts but are you willing to pay the $1,000 penalty IRS will assess against Tax-Pro, Inc if you don’t give one to us?)...we still have the fast tax refund loans (money back in as little as 24 hours!) while a very large competitor of ours does not...our payroll services are totally awesome and very affordable (did I mention state-of-the-art too?) and you should talk with Angie, Jen, Linda, or myself and we’ll get you should endeavor to use our monthly bookkeeping services starting this year and start reaping the benefits of paying less in taxes and making your banker happy (and accountant too!)...IRS audits are sharply on the rise, but no fear as Tax-Pro, Inc is here....speaking of audits, we offer an AWESOME Pre-Paid Audit service that takes the worry out of the dreaded tax man (ask us about it when you come in!)...finally, I really like the Red Sox chances this year...GO SOX!

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